Monday 23 November 2015

Things to Take Away With my

 Things to Take Away With my

It's hard to pick just three things to take away in my heart and in my mind that this program throughout this time have been very many things valuable and relevant to my work as a teacher.

Perhaps the most valuable is learning to use the guidance and counseling as a way to get closer to my students, know them better and help them build a life project.

The second is the importance of warm ups as a tool to focus the student's learning process, to maintain the interest and dynamics in each class session.

And the third and no less important is the establishment of professional networks and the importance of maintaining contact with the business world, keeping communication channels open and real-time interactivity with both my colleagues and with organizations.

In my case an aspect I want to highlight is the opportunity the program gave me to practice, learn and improve my knowledge and skills in managing English

And to finish could not stop referring to lessons in general by all teachers not only as professionals but as human beings and collaborative work with my classmates with each intervention, questions and shared experience.

3.Step Evidence the existence of the professional network

3.Step Evidence  the existence of the professional network:

After the meeting with my colleagues in the area and according to my  schedule , I made the professional network using community google +, creating lines of discussion and started sharing the strategic plan of the area of management we are designing among all as a strategy to show them useful this tool can be.

2. Step network project meeting with my area coworkers

2. Step meeting with my area coworkers:

when my academic coordinator gave me his permission proceeded to hold a meeting with colleagues in my area, to explain  the project, talk about its benefits and how useful it could be for our work, intended to convince implement and use the professional network.

1. Step , Network Project ..Meeting with my boss

 Network Project ..Meeting with my boss

I had a meeting with my academic coodinator in order to explain to him about my network project and he give some advices , for example with whom star the project because we have six major areas .

The good news for me is that he was very interesting in my development network project

Sunday 15 November 2015

Reflections of The Organizations and Networks Development Projects

Reflections  of The Organizations and Networks Development Projects

During the project the network, he did not expect things happened and others had hoped not.

The first is that some colleagues simply did not want to be part of the project which was evident by giving non-existent emails.

most of my coworkers fortunately saw the project as an opportunity to strengthen professional ties and friendship.

Those who accepted the invitation to the community of google + are really excited about the tool and its application in our work as teachers.

Me something I call my attention is that despite many of my colleagues are young they had no knowledge of these tools and less that can be useful both in our professional and personal life.

Time Line Network Project

Presentation Network Project

Organizations and Networks Development Project

Tuesday 1 September 2015






In my case it was really exciting development of this activity as for the charge that I have now for a long time was not in a classroom.

Being able to apply what we have seen in this training program for teachers in class was very good because I feel that the difference was evident that both the students and the teacher who accompanied me could notice.

The tools and teaching methods that were used not only gave me more security, also a better development of the proposed activities and most important students were the protagonists of their own training process.

Opening and closing sessions of class gives students a better understanding of what you want with the learning activity and of course makes the scope of learning outcomes.

When I’m looking at my PDP  against the TDP believe that is achieved goal, of course, every day I have to work more on developing skills in teaching methods but it was a very good start, (Guidance & counseling) I improved a lot since it was something not used to do and the result is that I come closer to my students and this activity has allowed me to know them more.

The challenge now facing Organizations and networks development project is one of our greatest weaknesses for which I have much interest in the module 5 and hopefully turn this weakness into a strength in my school.



After making observations with colleagues who allowed me into their classrooms and what I saw in other class sessions it left me a dual feeling because on one hand I am very concerned about the lack of use of social constructivism in schooling and that even the leading role they have are not the students, also excites me to know that there is work to be done with a view to strengthening the training process in my company.

I must say that this situation does not surprise me because this is the result of current policies for recruitment and training of totally different teacher what time backwards in some cases I felt as a University and not in an entity that is for work and work life .

The challenge is great and personally I can do from the educational committee is a support and retraining all teachers SENA pedagogy and new teaching methods where emphasis is made on our social constructivist approach

Class Observations 4

Class Observation 5

Teacher: Miguel
Program: Technology in Agricultural Business Administration
Competition: Coordinate Projects
Learning Outcome: Diagnose the production unit
Observed Time 6 hours
Date 05/27/2015

Learning Activity: presentation by the professor of SWOT
Warm up: NO
Script: NO
Tutorial: NO
Development Class: presentation by the professor of features and methodology to develop a SWOT matrix With the use of power point slides for 2 hours and legwork to pick up the information in the production units for further exposure
Closing the session: NO

Reflection: The Entire class session focused on the presentation by the professor on the subject and students were limited to listening and taking notes, it was not possible to demonstrate social constructivism at least in this class session.

Class Observatións 3

Class Observation 3

Teacher: Diana
Program: Technology in Agricultural Business Administration
Competition: Plan production
Learning Outcome: Diagnose the market
Observed Time 6 hours
Date 13/05/2015

Learning Activity: presentation by the professor of Market and its variables
Warm up: YES (Video)
Script: NO
Tutorial: NO
Development Class: presentation by the professor of the market variables With the use of power point slides for 6 hours
Closing the session: NO

Reflection: the entire class session focused on the presentation by the professor on the subject and students were limited to listening and taking notes, it was not possible to demonstrate social constructivism.

Monday 31 August 2015

Class Observations 2

Class Observation 2

Teacher: Jaime
Program: Technology in production Minor Species
Competition: Attend farming
Learning Outcome: Cultivate Agricultural Species
Observed Time 6 hours
Date 26/05/2015

Learning Activity: presentation by the professor of Entomology
Warm up: NO
Script: NO
Tutorial: NO
Development Class: presentation by the professor of entomology with the use of power point slides for four hours and field recognition at the classroom
Closing the session: NO

Reflection: I found it interesting field work for the student contrasted with reality at the classroom but I am concerned about the four hours where the leading role it took only teacher, besides the use of methods was not found where social constructivism education will emerge.

Class Observations 1

Class Observation 1

Teacher: Germán 
Program: Technology in Agricultural Business Administration
Competition: Planning Activities
Learning Outcome: Diagnosing Market
Observed Time 6 hours
Date 07/05/2015

Learning Activity: Develop SWOT Matrix
Script: NO
Warm up .NO
Tutorial: NO
Development Class: Lecture for 2 hours and then work in groups to develop planned class activity and in the last two hours socializing they made him

Closing the session: NO

Reflection: At the beginning of class the leading role it took the teacher and I feel that apprentices were not clear on the purpose of the activity and its relationship to learning outcome proposed, on the other hand is not achievement demonstrate the use of some active teaching methods.

Friday 31 July 2015



In our company we work for knowledge networks, in our case we belong to the agricultural network and is responsible for carrying out the curricula of the courses we offer ,through the network they programming the training of human talent is.

In our training Center a way to link to the productive sector of our activities is to make meetings in a group called the Technical Committee in which projects and problems of the Centre with representatives from farming companies are discussed.

In my workplace the SENA EMPRESA strategy, we works under the Agri-Food Chain approach which is very important for networks and work there all productive areas relate Center, we have identified three food chains, dairy chain , Meat chain and Agricultural chain and the emphasis is made to the student about the importance of work under this approach because in this way it provides a more holistic view of the production process.

Nevertheless I believe that there is still much to work for networks, for example there is no mechanism or site that allows us to interact in real time with the companies sponsoring our apprentices or networks with companies in the region with the intention that the Student training project makes solutions for those enterprises arising or links with training centers in other countries have.

A great weakness that we have is that in specific areas is not working for such networks, there is no network of Agricultural Marketing and we have 32 Agricultural Centers at SENA but everyone solves their problems of marketing products as they can, or don´t share information the errors or success stories and surely we are making the same mistakes or wasting already found solutions.

Today it is impossible to detach this interconnected world which gives us more advantages than disadvantages, networking knowledge or information not only national but also international give us another look or new perspectives on our area or problems and the student a more complete and complex view of the world, so personally I have great expectations of this new module of the course because I believe that we must seize the opportunities that can give us connect with the world.

Thursday 11 June 2015

collaborative Workshop reflexion

Collaborative Workshop Reflexion

In the collaborative workshop I have to say that we both learned in my work group and of each of those presented, each brought something to my learning process.

But if I have to resaltal some would; scavenger hunt that with this game we become children had fun and learned, this game put approves the creativity of its participants and for us it was a challenge when we were designing that is more difficult to work with fellow teachers with any student and see the results of the different activities that consider an accomplishment and something that also got out than usual.

collaborative work I have to say that we both learned in my work group and of each of those presented, each brought something to my learning process.

But if I have to resaltal some would; scavenger hunt that with this game we become children had fun and learned, this game put approves the creativity of its participants and for us it was a challenge when we were designing that is more difficult to work with fellow teachers with any student and see the results of the different activities that consider an accomplishment and something that also got out than usual