Tuesday 1 September 2015




1 comment:

  1. Thank you for providing edited videos, as asked! The subtitles you have added make it easy for me to follow the sessions, even though I unfortunately don't speak Spanish! The videos show that you have realized the value of beginnings and endings. I'm also happy to recognize some familiar collaborative methods. The atmosphere in your session seems to be very good, I especially noticed (several times!) that there was laughter in the class. When you were showing an example on the whiteboard, you "asked your way" from the students, instead of just writing the example and going through it yourself. This is a good strategy. There were some team activities, but mainly the choreography still was fairly teacher centered. You could try to shift the responsibility even more to the direction of the students. That being said, I want to emphasize that even though your own role was central, the interaction was good. It was not a one way street where you just pushed your message, you were open to dialogue.

    As I already mentioned, I unfortunately did not understand, WHAT you said. However, I did understand, HOW you said it :). You were not lecturing from PowerPoints in a monotonous way. It looked more like you were telling a story using your whole body to convey the message.

    I like very much that you had a debriefing session with a colleague (I'm not sure if she was observing you and giving you feedback or if it was you who was giving her feedback. I suspect the former option). Also G&C session with the students gave a nice touch fot your Teaching Practice! I particularly liked the handshake at the end: I'm sure the students felt that they were respected, when you shook their hand at the end!

    I have understood that your job is mostly managerial, and you do not normally teach much. I appreciate that you still took this assignment very seriously and prepared your sessions with enthusiasm. I believe the teachers respect you for your effort: you actually "mudded your own hands"and were open for feedback, instead of just observing them.

