Monday 10 November 2014

Reflection Kolb´s in our class

It is very important to apply in our classes learning styles of our students proposed by Kolbs, that identifying each can form study groups with different learning styles and safe reach better results, on the other hand gives us as teachers valuable information when preparing the class and issue it as pedagogy with each other and styles should be accommodated in the style of the student to achieve better learning outcomes

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to see that there are a lot of presentations available, and almost all of you have managed to choose a different one! You have provided a link, you have not embedded the presentation, as suggested. Well, it seems that slideshare has changed its sharing options since the time I wrote my instructions (actually today was the first time I noticed the change), so, embedding no longer works the way I instructed :( I've got to have a closer look to this! I'll share with all of you, when I figure out another solution.
